Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wonderful Wednesday

So - the week is past the half-way mark, a new month has begun, summer is winding down and things are just getting better and better every day for me - or so it seems.   For the longest time every day was a struggle, financial concerns kept me awake - and having the constant juggling act - it was so difficult - keeping all the balls in the air became a virtually impossible task.

But now - with the help of my financial planner (and good friend) I have eliminated a huge amount of monthly expenses, paid in full, no more monthly payments.  I've rolled all my retirement funds into one broker (her) and no longer have loans against that money either (30year loan - really?  I'll be 90 years old for God's sake)   So the money is no longer tied up tight and inaccessible - nor is it LOSING money (as it has for the past 10 years with the other broker that used to handle it).  I've already seen improvement, even with this shakey economy - such as it is.

So now, I have money in the bank - (including savings again).  My bills are all paid up to date every month.  I own my car free and clear - and I can start saving and making some plans to have some travel fun again.   I still don't sleep at night but at least now I know its not stress (could it be old age?)

This coming weekend - one of my friends is getting married.   Apparently middle-aged women still have a chance these days to find love. I'm very happy for her. (Wonder if he has an older brother). So, I now have yet another a happy event to go to over the weekend.  My weekends have certainly been busy and filled with great events this summer! 

Anyway - why wonderful wednesday? Well besides only having 2 days until the weekend, a weight off my shoulders, a few bucks in the bank, and my dreams back again - today at work I spent the morning in a planning meeting (so it didn't feel like work at all) - and when I got back to the office and went to our monthly staff meeting - I was given a 'public hero' award for going above and beyond and the State having written a letter regarding my great presentation in Sacramento! I did not see it coming - it was a complete surprise - and it felt really good!

I wonder what Thursday will bring!

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