Friday, August 17, 2012


I've been thinking a lot about the balance that makes up our life.   It seems that when things are off balance - it results in things going badly.   Health, relationships, events, plans, weather, - it's really rather overwhelming when you think about it.   Too much sun - burn, too much rain - flood, too much cold - freeze.....too much garbage in our diet - obesity, cancer, diabetes.... too much hostility - loneliness, too much confusion - chaos, too much greed - war, it just goes on and on.   But the funny thing is - just when it seems like more than we can handle in our lives - things change, to bring back the balance.   Too much sadness - joy comes in,  too much work - fun comes in, too many tears - laughter steps in, too much struggling - relief shows up, too much loss - charity kicks in..... 

For a long time I wondered about the homeless society.  It's made up of many layers.   Some of the homeless are this way due to uncontrollable circumstances and want to fix it - and others are by choice.   They prefer not to have the responsibility of monthly bills, paying taxes, answering to others or having a schedule.  Often, those who choose this lifestyle are most like the human catfish of our society, living off what has been cast off, disposed of, or dropped by the working class - claiming it in order to provide food, shelter and survival for themselves.   Thus cleaning up and eliminating waste and in a way - helping the balance in this world just as the bottom fish clean the rivers,lakes, and ocean.

There will always be givers and takers, rich and poor, happy and sad.   Survival of the fittest is not just referring to the world of sharks in the sea - who anymore are not the top predators of their environment sadly. 

The things that upset the balance seem to be greed, selfishness, ignorance, arrogance and not caring.  Continuing to take take take without replacing, destroying without repairing, trashing without cleaning, and turning a deaf ear and blind eye to the cries begging to stop before it's too late. 

The other day - I was walking to work with a co-worker.  I sort of zig-zagged across the parking lot to get from one side to the other.  "Do you sail" he asked.  "Why yes - I do" I replied.   "I thought so" - he said - "You were just tacking across the parking lot"   I laughed and noted how clever an observation that was - and thought about it.  Everything in our life - affects everything else in our life - in some direct or off-hand way.   Just think.....I'm affecting yours - if you're reading this!

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