Sunday, August 12, 2012


I am reading a book series that has opened my eyes to many interesting ways to look at life.   The latest part I just read was about an individual noting he feels sorry for a person who has done another person wrong - not the person who was done wrong.  Why? - - Because he has made for himself a world of no trust.  Now he must spend his days afraid for when someone will steal from him.  The things we do to others become our world.  To the thief, everyone in the world is a thief.  To the cheater, everyone is thinking to cheat him.

Before reading this, I can honestly say, I've always thought about and felt sorry for the victim - never the perpetrator

Reading this series I've read many thought provoking parts such as this and because of it have become increasingly introspective.  I've wondered who I am - how I became who I am - how I appear to others - how I've affected lives of others - what makes me good - what makes me bad - who's lives I have yet to touch and why - and how I will be remembered after I am gone.

I love to read.  Every book is a journey to me.  But this series has made me take a trip inside myself like no other before it.  I think the author has done exactly what he intends to do with his writing.  For the first time in all my years of reading, with all the 100s (maybe 1000s) of books I have read - I feel inclined to find and write to this particular author and thank him for his books.  I feel like a haze has been lifted by them - and I am seeing a lot more clearly into myself and much of what I am seeing, is for the very first time. 

Strangely - I have a sense of enlightenment like never before.  The author has woken up a part of me that I think was either dead or dormant.   He should have been a motivational speaker..... and yet if he had been ..... I probably would have never heard his words.  

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