Tuesday, August 7, 2012

She's a lady

I've often wondered what my life would have been like in another ERA.    When I think of the things I liked about different ERAs - and what I would have liked.

I really miss women being catered to by men.  Yeah - that whole 'weaker sex' thing was actually sorta nice.  The graciousnes of men standing when a woman comes to the table, or leaves the table, pulling out her chair for her, opening the doors for her..... I would have love to still be able to be a 'girly girl'.  

The women of the old West were tough.  I'd have survived it.  I'm sure of it.  I've done the hard work, the survival bit - overcome fears, fought the battles of life.   I think of the 'jobs' assigned to women of those days - cooking, canning, sewing, cleaning, childcare....yeah.  I've done the cooking, canning, sewing, cleaning, childcare.  Maybe not with 12 people in a 2 room cabin with dirt floors and a fireplace being the only heat.  But in reality - I can honestly say - I actually liked making my kids' clothes, canning all summer in preparation for winter, gardening and planting veggies and flowers and having the pride of producing wonderful foods.  (One of my favorites - zucchini relish! Yum)  It was a hard life - but a simple life.  Expectations were pretty even for men and women.  (Although I'm not so sure about the quilting in order to have blankets... but guess I woulda done it.)  The long dresses and petticoats were great.  I love that too!  (They probably didn't) :)

The roaring 20's?  Oh HELL YEAH!   I Sooooo would have been a flapper.   Me in my crazy sexy little shakey dress thingies - breaking all the rules.  Doing the Charleston....(I can almost see myself in a short red dress, feather boa, and feather headband...can you see it?...can you hear it?) I probably would have been mobster owned and dance-hall approved!  LOL 

And then there's dancing to music of the big bands!  Swing dancing?  You betcha! (Now- I've got "In the Mood" by Glenn Miller in my head right now.  

Even way way back - Renaissance era - ELEGANCE prevailed.  Lovely gowns, parasols, gloves, - soooo pretty!   Yup - woulda loved it.  (maybe not if I was poor - would have HAD to be one of the rich girls with all the REALLY nice stuff LOL)

I imagine most of my friends would find it surprising that I could be such a 'miss priss' - but there are the few who know how much I love my 'fu-fu' and glitter.   That side of me shows in some of my hobbies and habits though I do hide it most of the time relatively well.  

Today women scream for equality - seem to want to be treated like men, and can dress in just about anything from men's 3-piece suites, to early American female socialite, to goth - to CFM attire these days and be considered dressed acceptibly.  The line between men and women is slowly becoming blurred.... and it saddens me some.   I love women being feminine and frilly - being doted on by their men.   I want those days back.

Ah but such is the ERA of today.   Be what you want - when you want - where you want.   And dress any which way you want.  Freedoms are good.  I get that.  Hoever, being 'treated like a lady' is so yesterday.   Sigh.............

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