Sunday, August 19, 2012


Ya know? EVERYthing EVERYwhere is doing something EVERY minute of EVERY day.  Pick a verb.....evolving, moving, sleeping, thinking, transforming, moving, standing, sitting, swirling, ......... something will fit.   Pick an item - any item.  How many verbs fit it at the moment?  Ridiculous isn't it?

And in the same thought process - EVERYbody is going SOMEwhere.  Going to sit, going to stand, going to the mailbox, the kitchen, the beach, the bathroom, to read, to walk, to think ...... Even nowhere is somewhere! Pick a person - figure where they're going - even if it's 'going to die' - they're going!  And pick a place - SOMEone or SOMEthing is headed there for some reason or another.   Even in the densest forests - there's some bug working it's way toward that leaf!

All this energy swirling around us, all this activity and motion - all this intention and destination.   It's bound to kick up a little electricity in the air don't you think.   Is this the current all the radio transmissions ride on?  The waves we see in the air?   The distortion in our atmosphere?  

They say tomorrow never comes.  I say bull.  Today is the tomorrow we waited for yesterday.  We just don't know what tomorrow will bring until it gets here and becomes today.  Then when it becomes yesterday - we either add it to our life experiences with pride, try to forget about it, or move forward like it never happened (just another day).   Whatever the case - EVERY day we consume and transmit energy.

So my thoughts are - it's time to get crackin' and quit wasting energy.  Because eventually it will run out....and when that time comes, the destination will be a final one.

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