Monday, October 8, 2012

My Favorite time of year

I grew up believing Christmas is a holiday where you try to fit as many wrapped boxes under a tree in your livingroom as you possibly could - whether you could afford it or not.......That Thanksgiving you put enough food on the table to feed a small country......and Halloween you went out and collected all the free candy you could - so you would be able to destroy your teeth at an early age.

Things have changed since I've become an adult.   Yes - I still catch myself with the Christmas and Thanksgiving traditions.   It's sort of absurd - but just bad habits I guess.  (sort of like having to clean your plate - even if you were full 1/2 hour ago) Thanks Mom!

But Halloween has been taken to a whole new level!!  It has become my absolute favorite holiday.  Who doesn't like dressing up and pretending?  Playing with makeup?  Being something you've always wanted to be?  Behaving badly and not getting in trouble?  Eating all sorts of junk food that is named after something gross and disgusting? 

And DECORATING!!!   OHHHHH the DECORATING!   When I die - what my boys will inherit - would probably fill a haunted house!  ;)  Below grim reaper showing the way....

 Some great costumes
 more costumes
 webs everywhere

 silliness before the party
It can only get better and better right?   Can't wait for this years party..... getting a LOT of RSVPs and my neighbors are even getting in on the deocrating fun outside.   Halloween at work was fun too.   I know I have lots of pictures - 'tis the season...... more to come.....
BOO to YOU!!

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