Monday, November 12, 2012

Highs and Lows

Crazy weekend....
Left work early - had a trip to take.  Drive from San Diego to Phoenix to spend a birthday with a good friend.    Plan - be enroute to Phoenix by 2PM - figuring it's about a 6 hour drive.
OK - so how did that go?
1.   Leave work at 11AM - get manicure, pedicure and facial wax
2.  Go to Mall for decent outfit for the party
3.  Get home - dig suitcase out of garage and begin packing.   Oh - plug in reader
4.  Shower, hair makeup
5.  Finish packing
6.  Pick up Jo - coming with me (drive all the way to Chula Vista to pick her up first)
7.  Time on road - 2:30
Not to shabby - pretty much on track
A nice leisurely ride - a couple gas & stretch & snack stops
Arrive at Hotel in Phoenix 9:30  (they don't roll back the clocks - who knew?)
So the drive WAS 6 hours on the nose - but still took 7 (Jeesh)

Settled in put stuff up freshened up and found a nearby pizza bar - great food and drinks for very reasonble price.  Good choice

Next AM - Shopping - Hallmarks, World Market, Ross, TJ Max, and Pier 1.   Found lots of fun stuff.
Got b'day cards for twins Bill and Wes (Bill - my friend - worth the trip...time to meet the rest of the family)
Back to the hotel, chilled, napped, read...then cleaned up and called for a cab to take us to the party so we could drink without worries.
3PM A Lincoln towncar pulls up and says they're our cab.  Nice ride - great price.   Dropped at the door and since found the place after some research - promised to be the same person to pick us up.

Partied! So fun!!  Met Brother Wes and his wife Sandy, plus their two sons Taylor and Colin.  All were quite friendly and fun.   Friend Sergey also there - introduced Jo as well

10:00 PM - headed back to hotel - read a bit and crashed.
Invited to breakfast the following day to be able to visit with Bill a bit more.   Left around 12:30

Hit Campo- getting close to home - car has some warning light come on - then loses power and wont go up hills.   Pulled off next exit and searched for Garage.  Yah - out in the middle of BFE.   Sunday afternoon - day before Veterans day.  Good luck with that.  Drove about20 minutes out of the way searching before deciding to head back to highway.   Light went out - car worked fine - got home without further issues.  

Dropped off Jo - she shared some exercise equipment.
Stopped at Sushi place and got a sashimi salad
Went home and hauled all the shopping goodies,exercise equipment, food, and luggage upstairs and PLOPPED onto the couch.....
Slept until 10:30 Monday morning - got up and finished packing up the Halloween stuff and got son Rob to help get it into the garage.
Did 2 loads of laundry.   Whew!   gonna watch some TV and read a while and crash early.   Been a busy 3 days.

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