Monday, July 16, 2012

What used to be a chore - is now a joy

I remember - back in the day - (really not so long ago) - when I would so look forward to 'down time' - with no obligations or commitments - no plans - and absolutely nothing on my agenda.   Those 'down time' days would end up being days filled with laundry, housework, shopping, and errands.....and no friends, fun, and real joy.

As time went on.  I learned that the laundry, housework, shopping, and errands would all still be there - but the friends, fun, and joy - may not.   Through the years, having lost friends and family, having had lonely days when I wish I had something to do and someone to do it with - I have learned to cherish not having 'down time' but instead having busy busy busy days, weeks, months.   

I now look forward to having to cram a load of laundry in between trips to the grocery store and the gym, and running the mop around quickly before heading out the door to the beach.   Life is all about priorities - and oh how they change through the years.   They actually go full circle - from play - to work - to play again.  Getting older really is about having a second childhood - but it's not like all the jokes about diapers and mobility - its about getting the best out of each and every minute of each and every day.

Recently I had a visit from a nephew.  My brother Bob's son - whom he never had the chance to meet before he died.  What a tragedy.  He is wonderful and has a wonderful family.   I will share this marvelous experience with you in my next blog.   I am so glad I had this opportunity to add this joy to my life - and yet so sad that my brother missed the opportunity before he left us.

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