Friday, July 27, 2012

Creature Comforts

I was sitting here today - imagining.   How much of my 'stuff'' do I really really NEED?   I live in a small 2-bedroom apartment.   I also have a small (could MAYBE park a Mini in it) garage.  My apartment AND garage are chock full of STUFF.  

Looking around - I see many things I purchased - because I just 'had to' have it.  Yet they sit unused since purchased - many for years.   I am 'sucked in' to marketing techniques.   They convince me I 'gotta have it' yet once I do - I never use it.   I never thought of myself as gullible - yet here I am - surrounded by STUFF - and most of it, I don't need.   This cooker does so much more than the others, this oven cooks more evenly, this pan will last forever, this bag sealer will save you money on food, baked goods don't stick in these floppy pans, these containers make food last longer, this bottle opener is easier to use..... the promises go on and on.

Well - the cooker - no better than any of the others, the oven - really?, the pan - in the trash, the bag sealer - has yet to seal a bag,  those stupid floppy pans - EVERYTHING sticks in them!, and those lifetime guarantee containers - I wish I had the address - I want my money back.  The wine bottle opener I love.
Funny thing - I've heard no ads or any promises about one of my favorite finds - my coffee maker.  I stayed with friends who had one.  By the time I left - I knew I had to have one - no matter how much more those stupid little cups that fit in it for individual servings cost.   I managed to get a great deal with a sale + coupon + gift certificate....but am still paying the exorbitant coffee prices.  I did manage to find a re-usable cup that regular coffee can be put into - so am able to cut cost now.  (but the yummy flavors of the pre-packed cups .... mmmmmmm)

My favorite creature comforts..... my coffee maker for sure, my salt/pepper mill combo (love that thing), my e-reader (back to reading on a regular basis again - it's like having a library in my home!), and my DVR - I LOVE movies!

I pitty the day I die and my poor children have to dig through my stuff and figure out how to get rid of it.  My suggestion - an ad on craigslist that reads something like this:
Mom Died:   She collected a lot of cool crap - and we don't want it.   Do you craft? She has something you need!  Love Halloween? - Get your butt over here!   Need foo-foo Christmas stuff?  (She had two trees - does that tell you anything?) - Collectibles?  Well her inner child was nurtured with her Crayola tins (with crayons) and Kaleidescopes.   Clothing...she was a big lady - but had good taste in clothes AND shoes!  And household goods...OMG - her kitchen has so many neat toys - you'd think she was a gourmet chef!!   The list goes on and on.    Come shop....until you drop.   We've got Walmart beat hands down here!!

What they don't inherit in money - they'll get in creature comforts.

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