Friday, January 4, 2013

The right to regulate

There are so many issues in the news - all the time about government regulation.  Should they regulate this - do they have the right to regulate that, why don't they regulate this, when are they going to regulate that?   It just goes on and on.

I can sort of understand the regulation of monopolies.  If they weren't regulated - the provider could set any price they want - for a product that is necessary - and people would have to pay it.  An example would be electricity.

Now there are competitors in the fuel industry - and yet they ALL go up at the same time and kill the economy by increasing shipping costs adding to product costs, as well as wipe out budgets to those with limited income.   They are not monopolies - but I feel they are handled very poorly and this is an industry that needs some serious clean-up.   Where to buy from, whether or not to produce our own, funding sustainable energy systems....the list goes on and on.   And don't you think the auto industry has a hand in this?  Cars need fuel, people need cars, if cars didn't need fuel the fuel industry wouldn't be as powerful....thus the powerful fuel industry delays tactics to find better sources of car motivation.  I'd wager money (sort of like the tobacco industry - another powerful, and now conglomerate business) - a lot of these powers work hand in hand to keep each other rich.

Then there are those regulatory bodies that are supposed to 'protect' us.  Like FDA for example.  Really?  Protect us?  Let me see....they say what can and can not be put in foods.   Look at the food out there people!!!  Food shouldn't be labelled if it is 'organic'.  Food should ALL be organic!  WE are ORGANIC!!!  The rest of that crap (insecticides, steroids, additives, preservatives, chemicals of all sorts to make things look, smell, and taste better - or increase the weight (fat) when being sold by weight..)   Are you kidding me?    Other countries foods are not half as heavily regulated as ours - and yet their foods smell, look, and taste better - and don't have ANYthing inorganic added to them! 

When I went to New Zealand and tasted their dairy products - OMG - it reminded me of back in the days when I was a kid - milks and cheeses were so fresh and tasted so wonderful.  Now everything is so over-processed before it is sold - there is no flavor left!   Fruits & Vegetables - same thing.   You don't have to worry about the label on it - if there are additives or whether or not it's organic.  It is ALL organic there!  

Convenience foods filled with artificial color, flavor, and every known chemical known to man - are all garbage - yet allowed on the shelves.  The stuff contained in them is not what our body is meant to digest.  Thus the carcinogen effect of so many of these items.   We can't digest it - it digests US!

Regulating religion - where do I begin.   The atheists, and agnostics have managed to have the upper hand and say no prayer here, no religious artifact there, no this holiday, take God out of that document.   What about the freedom of religion our forefathers fought so hard to acquire in this country?  Fine - you don't like prayer?  Then shut up and wait for those who do!  You don't like that cross on the hill?  Then stay away from that hill - there's lots of others to go climb on and have a view from, you don't like Christmas trees?  They have to be called 'holiday' trees?  What holiday?  For God's sake - it's a flippin' Christmas tree!!   Not your holiday?  Fine!  Don't celebrate it!   Celebrate your own or none at all.

I could go on and on and on.   I just want to know where we draw the line and how - and who makes these decisions on what's safe to eat, what should have a ceiling on a price, and why non-religion trumps freedom of religion.  Who gets that right to regulate?  And how can we be better informed and have the power to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.  Give us our health, right to live, and right to worship as well as not worship back!!   We are soooooo on the brink................

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