Saturday, September 8, 2012

Summer season wind-down

Sooooo..... the summer season is winding down.  The days are getting shorter (and warmer finally) - here in Southern California we always seem to really have our summer in Late August through October.   Maybe we should change daylight savings to the right time in the year to play!!

I waited and waited to see summer after moving to the beach - and it came - and I played on the beach a LOT.  I love the quick easy availability to one of my favorite things...beaches.  It has truly soothed my wounded soul.    I really don't feel as uptight or worried, or stressed as I was in the last 5 years or so.  This move has been a good one for me. 

With the season winding down - I'm considering the best ways to continue enjoying this atmosphere I now am surrounded by.   It really is pleasant.   I'm only minutes from beauty such as this.....I'm talking bicycle distance.   (could walk it if I was a bit more healthy).

Awayyyyyyy we go! 

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