Thursday, September 27, 2012

Keepin' it Green

I hear people comment all the time about how huge and gorgeous my Boston ferns are each summer, and after talking with some of those people for only a moment, I realize why they are unable to have the same success.  There are a couple very common mistakes that people are making when growing Boston Ferns.  Let me explain…
Pot Size – While it is true that you can leave your ferns in the original pot or basket that you purchased it in, doing so will also limit its growth.  If you want to grow huge…I mean HUGE ferns, you need to re-pot the fern into something that will allow more growth.  Most hanging baskets are either 8 or 10 inches in diameter.  Bump it up to 12 or 14 inches and watch out…in a month or so, you will barely be able to pick it up!
I buy tin buckets in about a 14 inch size.  I drill holes in the bottom for drainage.  If I want to hang them, I make hangers using “S” hooks and some heavy duty chain…otherwise I can use them on large tables or plant stands.
When I re-pot, I use a mix of potting soil and some horse manure, which is great fertilizer.
Watering - Here’s everyone’s biggest misconception…that they will overwater their fern.  NOT TRUE!  It is virtually impossible to overwater an fern…they LOVE water!  So many people comment that they water them with about the same frequency as they would their indoor plants…maybe once every few days.   Bosten Ferns crave water…in fact, they need it daily, and during our extremely hot summer days of 90+ degree heat, it wouldn’t hurt to water them twice a day…once as you leave for work, and once when you return.   Trust me…if you have adequate drainage, you will not drown your fern.  Think about it…think about lush rain forests.  What do you find in those wet areas?  You got it…Ferns!
As far as keeping them fertilized…don’t over do it! If your ferns start losing their dark green color, find you some good fertilizer for acid loving plants. Follow the instructions and you’ll have those ferns back to a dark green color in no time.

Monday, September 24, 2012

California Dreamin' and Drivin'

So what is it about California drivers that they have to 'compete' for space, race instead of allow movement and COMPLETELY ignore blinkers?

I grew up on the East Coast.  I admit.  People are tougher and pretty curt in the Northeast (yes NY),   Then you go to Florida - and EVERYBODY is lay-back, shorts & flip-flops - much like island life and pretty easy going all in all.

The Crime rate (Miami) was hellish when I was there - I witnessed and was victim to more crime in my adolescent and young adult years there than I care to remember.   But still - even for a big city the pace was pretty cool.

Missouri (my next major stop in life) - The drivers honk and wave you in - see your blinker and DON'T SPEED UP but slow down - to allow you to merge or turn - and use their signals!

Then I moved to California.   San Diego - with claims of being America's 'friendliest city' ..... well yeah maybe..... EXCEPT ON THE HIGHWAYS!!   I am in a world of wonder every day on the highways to and from work and where ever else my destinations might be.   I accelerate to get onto major interstates - it's what I was taught.   Can I tell you how many times I've nearly rear-ended some jerk on the acceleration lane who has nearly come to a dead stop trying to get on?   How in the HELL do you merge with 65 mph traffic doing 20?  Tell me!!!

Then there are the territorial drivers.  The space between them and the car in front of them - no matter HOW large - belongs to ONLY them!  If there are 6 car lengths between and you turn on your blinker to get into that space - they hit the gas and fly up on the rearend of the car in front of them to NOT ALLOW you in that space.   No, not allowed!  This is MY space!  Go get off at some other exit - you can't work your way to the right through MY space!!!

Then there are the people who will take off your front bumper to get into the 1/2 car length between you and the car in front of you.  God forbid you leave a whole car space between - 4 cars will move into that much space!   Instead of moving forward, you begin to feel like you're moving back.

And then there's courtesy.  The person has their blinker on, they need over, you slow a bit to allow them and wave them over.   No thank you wave, no head nod, no nothing.   

So my son tells me since I've been driving here - he has seen more road rage (from me) than ever before.....  Yes, I have to agree..... When people cut me off, pull in front of me and basically PARK, don't recognize and acknowledge my blinker when I need to move over, race with me instead of getting behind me, and not say thank you in some way when I am NOT a JERK like THEY are.... then yes... I tend to say a few choice hecks and darns  (heh heh) and other colorful explatives while driving.

Don't even get me started on the phone chatting fools and the texting morons that weave all over or go 5MPH then look up and 'oops' realize they screwed up..... That soap box is a whole rant all by itself. 

I do have to say though.  The one thing this city has to make all the stress go away... is this:

Beauty by the Sea!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Summer season wind-down

Sooooo..... the summer season is winding down.  The days are getting shorter (and warmer finally) - here in Southern California we always seem to really have our summer in Late August through October.   Maybe we should change daylight savings to the right time in the year to play!!

I waited and waited to see summer after moving to the beach - and it came - and I played on the beach a LOT.  I love the quick easy availability to one of my favorite things...beaches.  It has truly soothed my wounded soul.    I really don't feel as uptight or worried, or stressed as I was in the last 5 years or so.  This move has been a good one for me. 

With the season winding down - I'm considering the best ways to continue enjoying this atmosphere I now am surrounded by.   It really is pleasant.   I'm only minutes from beauty such as this.....I'm talking bicycle distance.   (could walk it if I was a bit more healthy).

Awayyyyyyy we go!